Day 46: Seychelles – At a Glance


I’ve been thinking about traveling solo in a different country for a long time now. My first choice is Brazil because it has beaches, good food, and nice tourist spots. Plus I could cross out “go to a different continent” in my bucketlist. However, due to some circumstances, my supposed 10-day trip was reduced to a 3-day trip. Because I was a little bit heartbroken, my sister suggested going to Seychelles instead as she and her family went here before.


Fast-forward to January, and here I was, just got back from the trip of my lifetime (so far). Many people have been asking me where this country is, and all I’ve been saying is that it is located between Maldives and Madagascar, somewhere in the Indian Ocean. I know this is not an accurate answer, but I could not blame them as Seychelles has been off my radar as it is known for being not backpacking-friendly.


However, there are now self-catering guesthouses in Seychelles. This type of accommodation is a looot cheaper than staying in a hotel. Also, guests have the option to cook their own food. Take note that a decent meal in Seychelles costs more than Php 500.00 (approx 10 USD) per person, so these guesthouses are heaven-sent.


For this trip, I dared myself to spend 300 euros (around Php 15,000), including glass-bottomed island hopping tour in Mahe. I stayed for 3 days/2 nights in Beau Vallon. I’ll be posting my budget breakdown, accommodation, and hopefully more photos in my next post.

For now, let me tempt you with this video:

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